W.I. Patrick Memorial Library

Library Mission Statement

The library Ministry of Ocilla Baptist Church provides a collection of Christian resources and encourages the church in worship, education, ministry, nurture, and community outreach, all to the glory of God.  The W. I. Patrick Memorial Library has been opened in honor and recognition of Rev. W. I. Patrick's devoted service in 1898 as the founding pastor of Ocilla Baptist Church.

We welcome you to come and visit the Library. It offers spiritual resources and enjoyable reading for all ages. Come see the progress that has been made in order to offer a relaxing, browsing and reading environment for your enjoyment.

  Did you know we accept donations to the library?

















Donations of cash for the purchase of materials for the Library in honor of, or in memory of, someone are welcomed. The Library Committee will work with the amount of your gift to choose materials for the collection based on the library guidelines. If you wish to donate cash, please review the following:

  • Specify that the gift is designated for the Church Library,
  • Indicate whether the gift is for a memorial or honorarium and in whose memory or honor the gift is being made.
  • For memorials, please indicate the name and address of the person(s) to be notified of your gift; the name and address of the honoree.
  • Indicate any mandatory limitations on material to be chosen, such as only mission books, inspirational, children's books, etc.
  • Make checks payable to: Ocilla Baptist Church Library, P.O. Box 101, 201 North Irwin Avenue, Ocilla, GA 31774

The Library Committee will notify the family of the person(s) memorialized or the person(s) being honored by your gift. If you wish to discuss your donation, please contact Librarian or the Pastor.

Donations of books, periodicals, videos/DVDs/CDs are always welcome. Materials donated or purchased for the Library will be reviewed by the Library Committee prior to circulation in accordance with the Library Mission Statement. 

This Library focuses on special needs to enhance your walk with Christ. We encourage donations of books and materials that are specifically Christian quality material.

















We reserve the right to remove, sell, trade, or donate any item(s) received. This policy helps to remove duplicates, raise money for specific titles, trade for a wider selection, donate books to new churches, and even dispose of items beyond repair.